Welcome to

Kildalkey Golf Society

Founded 2006


AGM Report 2022

Dear members,

Our AGM was held in the Village Inn, Kildalkey on Friday 25th November 2022. There were 23 members present, the largest attendance for an AGM so far. Attendees were as follows:

Tom Carroll (TC), Martin Blake (MB), Richie Delea (RD), John O'Connor (JOC), Stephen Skelly (SS), Anthony Quinn (AQ), Kieran McGurran (KM), Gerry McGuire (GM), Christy King (CK), James Monaghan (JM), Michael Collins (MC), Karl Stewart (KS), Jody Corrigan (JC), Paul Fagan (PF), Tosh Garry (TG), Seamus Ennis (SE), Brendan Corrigan (BC), Mark McNevin (MM), David Dolan (DD), Cormac Reilly (CR), Alan McNally (AM) and the longest driver Peter O'Donnell (POD), and new local member Brendan Johnston.

Apologies received from President Bill Hayes, Treasurer Peter Kelly and Neil Hand.

Secretary TC opened the meeting and welcomed all those present to the the 16th KGS AGM and remarked on the great turnout. He outlined to the meeting that there were 270 Green Fees during the year. He named and congratulated all the winners during 2022. He then thanked PK and RD for their services to the Society and used the term Society Stalwarts. He thanked the committee members which made for the smooth running of the Society. TC thanked our hosts for the evening Emma & Paul Fagan of the Village Inn. He also thanked our sponsors, past and present which included Progressive Building Services (Tom & Brian Carroll), Arch Plumbing & Heating (Cormac Reilly), The Village Inn, Athboy Physiotherapy & Pilates, DS Windows (Stephen Kelly), Harmon Oil, Dempsey Travel, Oliver Henry Electrical and The Snug House.

TC invited those present to seek new sponsorship where available.

TC then outlined the courses booked for the 2023 season and they are as follows:
March - Seapoint
April - Concra Wood
May - Glasson
June - Tullamore
July - K Club
August - Mullingar
Sept. - TBA
Oct. - Rathcore

Next up was the Treasurer's report. This was given by JM in the absence of PK. There was some €4,300 in the kitty. €1,000 is due out in deposits. There would be 2 rounds of drink for those present at the AGM. As courses have increased their fees, the Society will again subsidise some of the outings in 2023 with the possibility of free membership for 2024 depending on any incoming sponorship and outing prize expenditure etc. etc. but that any surplus funds will make its way back to the membership. JM congratulated JC on his captaincy in 2022.

Next up was the outgoing Captain's address. JC said he had a great year and thanked TC. He then thanked the committee and said his Captaincy was a walk in the park with the work they do. He was delighted to introduce the Captain for 2023 as Stephen Skelly.

Incoming Captain SS then addressed the meeting and said it was an honour to be captain and thanked JC for his nomination last year and congratulated him on a great 2022. He then announced his vice-captain as Richie Delea.

Next up was election of committee for 2023. The following positions were nominated and seconded as follows:

PRO and Handicap Secretary - Richie Delea - Proposer: MC. Seconder: AQ
Treasurer                                 - Peter Kelly - Proposer: JOC Seconder: SS
Secretary                                 - Tom Carroll - Proposer: RD Seconder: MB

There were no other nominees or nominitions for new committee members. The outgoing committee were willing to continue.

Next up TC announced that our president Bill Hayes was stepping down from his position of President of the Society and he had nominated BC to take up the position. BC was nominated by Bill and seconded by TC. BC said he was delighted to accept the position and asked for a round of applause for Bill.

Next item was the presentation of trophies. Captain JC congratulated and presented MB with the Captains Cup. In his acceptance speech MB thanked TC and the committee for the improvements and update to the Cups. MB referred to his 45 points win on Captains day and that with the way the increasing number of 40+ points being scored by members, that we should maybe think about increasing the supply of 40 club jumpers to 45. He referred also to the fact that his room number in Portugal was 445.

JC then presented the GOY cup to KmcG. KmcG said it was great to win and congratulated BH for finishing a very close second. He also thanked the committee and JC on his captaincy and with whom he played with for the 1st time this year. KmcG said when he saw JC on the 1st occasion he wondered who was this guy with the bushy beard and wolly hat. He said JC had brought something different to the Society.

Next up was motions to be put to the AGM. There was one motion received as follows:

"This motion calls on the Society to introduce a maximum 2-year term for the position of President of the Society. If an incumbent President wishes to step down from his/her position prior to the expiration of their 2-year term, then the Committee shall be empowered to appoint a new President. Otherwise, the next President shall be appointed at the next AGM following the expiration of the 2-year term."

Proposer: Richie Delea Seconder: Tom Carroll

Some discussion ensued. KmcG said he agreed with the motion and said most Clubs/Societies have a 2 year time limit on the term for Presidents. He also said that it was a trend that the position of President usually fell to former Captains. TC outlined that the Society had no rule pertaining to the Presidency and that this was putting it on firm footing so there can be no dispute in the future. TC also mentioned that the 2 year term limit would allow for more members to be able to aspire or assume that position while still above ground to some laughter.

The motion was passed by a show of hands and will now be incorporated into the Rules of the Society.

JM won the members present draw for free membership for 2023.

Under AOB, MC enquired about the possibility of playing one of the outings under Stroke Play conditions. This had been raised also at AGM 2021. KmcG said that most Golf Clubs wouldn't permit Societies play under Stroke play conditions. There could be a huge backlog on the Tee boxes depending on what number of strokes were allowed before permitting a ball to be picked up. TC said it probably wouldn't work given the large range of handicaps in the Society. It would probably have to be a local course before stroke play would be allowed.

Then KmcG enquired if whether the Society was affiliated. TC said our handicap system is not recognised by the WHS to be affiliated. JOC said given the array of winners, our HC system was working well and if it ain't broke then don't fix it. TC said that we are a society and not a Golf Club and that our HC system is working well and outlined which Categories all the winners had come from.

TC then wrapped up the AGM by thanking JC for his 2022 captaincy and wished SS a great year for 2022. See ye all in Seapoint in March.

The AGM was followed by a nice Curry supper supplied by our hosts Emma & Paul Fagan of the Village Inn.

Many thanks,

Tom Carroll

